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The geo-political landscape of Antarctica is complex.A few people still travel the Antarctic in ships like the one used by Shackleton.Our 130 passenger ship, the NAT GEO Resolution was a bit more modern.The bridge was accessible 24 hours a day.And Captain Heidi was eager to engage passengers.There was plenty of food.Researchers, photographers, and naturalists who daily offered presentations and excursions.There were even two geodesic rooms available for overnight lodging. Brrrr.And, yes, we experienced more of the Drake Shake than the Drake Lake during the passages.First stop on the continent: Half Moon Island. The challenges of exploration are quickly evident.For humans and animals alike.The terrain here is rugged.But penguins have become quite adept on the rocky hillsides.One small step ... or one giant leap?Chinstrap penguins are abundant here.That's right.  Chinstrap.Also, fur seals and Gentoo penguins.The zodiacs offered transportation to the peninsula and among the icebergs each day.There were opportunities to see how earlier explorers lived.James Wordie's quarters.